Web Design

making your (business) life a bit easier

An affordable, comprehensive Webpage for you

How does it work?


  • have a domain and hosting contract. Don’t worry, if you don’t. I can recommend suitable providers for you (no commission, simply based on your requirements). This gives your more control and flexibility.
  • outline your expectations and specifications such as type of pages/sections, languages, links to your Facebook page
  • provide the content (text and – if available – photos).
    If you don’t have suitable pictures you can also add a photo shoot to your basic webpage package.

Luna de la Luz

  • takes all the information and specifications you provide and turns in into the webpage you have been looking for
  • translates the page into English or German and / or takes pictures of your business, facilities or products (if desired)
  • uses every-day language, which is not too technical, and provides simple explanations if needed
  • provides training to learn how to maintain and update your webpage
  • offers affordable support on an as needed basis.

Webpages for small businesses and personal webpages

Webpages for your restaurant, bar, guesthouse or shop.

Personal Webpages to present your curriculum, photos or a blog.

Design and functionality based on your specifications.

Special focus on the needs of your clients and webpage visitors.

Easy maintenance to keep follow on costs down.

Maintaining it yourself or purchasing one of the support options available.

Luna de la Luz | Web Design Projects

James Correy | Professional Coach

Mindset and Performance Coaching,

Mastermind Groups and Presentations

Webpage in English


Street Cats Rescue

NGO | Cat Rescue Service in Conil

Webpage in English


Newsletter Subscription

Steps to Recovery

Counselling & Therapy, Central Coast, Australia

Webpage in English

Design of Banner/Header

Domus Sophiae

Mosaics Online Store and Workshops

Online Store with Woocommerce



Holiday Apartments in Zahora

Webpage in English, German & Spanish

Design with WIX

Dos Miralles

Guesthouse in Vejer de la Frontera

Webpage in English, German & Spanish


Design of Logo

Web Design & Support Options

One-Page Webpage (Starter Kit)
This ‘starter kit’ consists of:

  • one-page webpage* (WordPress) with the following sections:
    • Header
    • Who is behind the webpage: information about the business (Team) or you (About)
    • What is offered or what you do (Services/Products)
    • Where you are or how to get in touch with you (Contact)
  • a Terms & Conditions page
  • SEO** = search engine optimisation
* A one-page webpage consists of one page with all information in different sections. There are no extra pages for About or Contact. These can be purchased separately.

Please note: this excludes the legally required Terms & Conditions page, which is included in the Starter Kit as a separate page from the main website.

**SEO =  increasing the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a higher ranking in search results e.g. in Google searches (making the web page attractive to the search engines.)

Extras & Add-ons

Extra Page
If you have a lot of text or photos to display or for example would like to have an extra page about you or your products/services, you can add extra pages to the Starter Kit.
Extra Language
If you need your webpage in different laguanges, you can add translations into the following languages:

  • English
  • German
  • Spanish
As I am a amateur photographer, your webpage can also include photos specifically taken for the webpage. This way you can display your:

  • people like yourself or staff
  • products including dishes and photos of samples
  • premises e.g. store front, inside, office

This will give your webpage a personal touch and give your clients a better idea of your business.

Maintenance & Training

If you feel you need some assistance with maintaining your webpage (keeping it up to date, regularly adding new information)  or if you want to learn the basis of maintaining your webpage I offer a maintenance contract (starting from 2 hours/month).

The contracted hours can be used for webpage updates, general maintenance but also for training with the aim to be able to maintain the webpage yourself.

Pay As You Go
If you do not want to commit to an ongoing maintanence contract, you can simply purchase the hours needed for the maintenance and update of the webpage or training.

Pricing: Web Design, Extras & Support

Extra Pages

About | Contact | Portfolio
96 €/(+21% GST = 116,16€)
  • one extra webpage to an already existing webpage (i.e. one URL like an About or Contact page),
  • header and up to 3 sections


26 €/2 hours a month (+21% GST = 31,46 €)
  • phone support, updates and maintenance
  • unused hours roll over to the next month (up to 10h)


Pay as you go
16 €/ hour (+21% GST = 19,36€)
  • phone support, updates and maintenance
  • to be purchased and used when needed

Get in touch with me

For more information, a quote, a comment or any other question just send me an email.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. 

10 + 4 =